martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010
Natalie Portman Il protagonista di Black Swan, dice che la bellezza può essere noioso e non può capire le persone
"La bellezza può essere un ostacolo, soprattutto se questo è tutto quello che conta per le persone. Ma sono anche consapevole del fatto che nella mia professione, essere attraente può essere un fattore favorevole per ottenere un lavoro", ha confessato l'attrice.
Inoltre, Natalie dice che "la bellezza può diventare noioso se si sta con un ragazzo che si concentra solo sul tuo aspetto o la tua famiglia tutto il tempo. Conosco molti giocatori che sono totalmente ossessionati con il marchio un certo stile."
Ma anche se Portman non riesce a capire il fascino cercando bene, lo fanno apprezzare stare con un uomo che ha grande fiducia in se stesso. L'attrice, che mantiene attualmente una relazione con il ballerino Benjamin Millepied, ha detto che gli piace "gli uomini che hanno fiducia nella loro mascolinità".
"Coloro che non hanno bisogno di treno ogni giorno e non danno importanza al suo fisico. Preferisco gli uomini che sanno quello che vogliono nella vita," disse infine Natalie Portman.
lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010
Portman consideró que ciertas instituciones educativas, siguen creando barreras que impiden la plena igualdad.

Portman consideró que ciertas instituciones educativas, siguen creando barreras que impiden la plena igualdad.ESPECIAL
- Belleza e inteligencia
La actriz brilla en la película Black Swan, una cinta donde reflexiona sobre la naturaleza de la sociedad
CIUDAD DE MÉXICO (19/NOV/2010).- En su nueva película Black Swan (que en español significa Cisne negro), la actriz Natalie Portman da vida a una una bailarina de élite de la Compañía de Ballet de Nueva York y tiene una escena en la que aparece bailando sin ropa sobre una mesa. Su actuación le brinda el pretexto perfecto para recordar sus tiempos de universitaria en la prestigiada Universidad de Harvard, de la que no tiene precisamente la mejor de las opiniones.“Nunca vi a nadie bailando desnuda sobre una mesa”, dice divertida esta actriz reconocida en el ambiente de Hollywood por su alto interés en la cultura y la educación.
Sobre su alma mater, la actriz señaló severa: “Harvard permanece como una institución hecha por y para hombres. Tiene un sistema social muy sexista, el cual no ha podido ser cambiado apropiadamente a lo largo de su historia”.
Lejos de dejar allí su reflexión, la actriz sigue criticando la cerrazón que impera en la sociedad cuando se requieren discutir temas como la igualdad de derechos.
Cuestión de roles
En una conferencia de prensa donde presentó la película que se estrena la esta semana en Estados Unidos, la actriz nacida en Israel pero avecindada en la Unión Americana conecta la reflexión sobre la cerrazón imperante en Harvard con el mensaje de la película que transcurre en el azaroso y complicado ambiente del ballet.
“El ballet es muy claro respecto a los roles que debe cumplir una mujer. Ahí se refuerza esta idea (que también sucede en Harvard) de que las mujeres deben encajar en un cierto mundo creado por hombres; se supone entonces que las mujeres sólo existen para cumplir todas las expectativas creadas por los hombres”, dice la actriz.
En ese sentido, explica que durante su estancia en la universidad fue evidente que el sistema de hermandad (clubes estudiantiles) sólo funciona para el caso de los hombres y que una mujer no puede entrar en el esquema. “El problema es que no existe una infraestructura paralela para la amistad entre mujeres, lo cual sería realmente importante. Ellos tienen estos espacios donde comparten diversión, tiempo libre, fiestas. No hay algo similar para la hermandad entre mujeres”, explicó Portman.
Natalie (de 29 años de edad) siente una empatía con su personaje de Black Swan, derivada precisamente de su experiencia en la universidad: “Luego de haber estado en la película, ahora entiendo mucho mejor la exigencia artística”.
Para saber
Dirigida por Darren Aronofsky (La Fuente de la vida, Pi), el filme es definido por el periódico The Boston Globe como la historia de Nina, una frágil belleza tan obsesionada con el ballet que simplemente se puede volver loca en su intento por ejecutar con perfección una pieza.
''Harvard permanece como una institución hecha por y para hombres. Tiene un sistema social muy sexista, el cual no ha podido ser cambiado apropiadamente''
Natalie Portman, actriz.
”The Secrets of Natalie Portman’s ‘Black Swan’
Natalie Portman might have glided with palliate opposite a theatre for her purpose as a prima ballet dancer in a arriving ballet thriller Black Swan, though it turns out which it was a group at a back of her tutus which were put to a genuine challenge!
While apropos a initial conform designers to want badly a National Art Award from Americans for a Arts recently, Rodarte’s Laura as well as Kate Mulleavy explained to nymag a hurdles of formulating a perplexing costumes for a film. “A tutu is thirteen layers of tulle adhering true out as well as afterwards it’s over a body, so we can imagine. It’s crazy!” pronounced Laura, who had usually seen a ballet dress up tighten once prior to a film. The sister-act was introduced to a film’s director, Darren Aronofsky, by Portman–a longtime Rodarte lover–and after that, were brought upon house to emanate looks for a film’s Swan Lake performance. “Building a tutu is a single of a mislaid couture arts..
domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010
Natalie Portman los fans son mas imporatantes que los criticos
The actress has been receiving rave reviews for her performance as a ballerina in Darren Aronofsky’s new thriller Black Swan, which recently showed at the prestigious Toronto International Film Festival. There have even been suggestions Natalie may receive an Oscar nomination for her role, although she insists she cares more about what regular cinemagoers think than critics’ opinions.
"The best thing with this movie is that everybody really seems to be having a strong visceral response. Obviously what we do is about wanting to make things that people connect to, that's the biggest prize,” she said.
Nevertheless, the 29-year-old did confess to being flattered by the rumours she could be up for an Academy Award. She says the speculation is “complimentary”, although she tries not to think about it too much.
Despite going to dance classes as a child, Natalie struggled to retrain herself in the discipline of ballet for the role. She couldn’t have done it without the help of some top trainers, who she thanked for helping “shape” her.
sábado, 27 de noviembre de 2010
Black Swan llegaráa los cines de Estados Unidos de forma limitada el próximo 3 de Diciembre.
Lo próximo de Darren Aronofsky, antes de pisar terreno mutante con The Wolverine, será Black Swan, un thriller psicológico sobre una bailarina de ballet (interpretada por Natalie Portman) que es escogida para interpretar al cisne blanco en una obra de El Lago de los Cisnes, mientras que otra bailarina (Mila Kunis) interpretará al cisne negro, iniciando una amistad que se adentrará en lo mas profundo de un cuento de giros psicológicos y retorcidas amistades lésbicas.
Y aunque no fui precisamente de aquellos que amaron el ultimo esfuerzo directoral de Aronofsky, admito que igual me sigue interesando lo que el neoyorquino haga, y porque sé que ustedes también, creo que todos deberíamos seguir mas de cerca la campaña viral de la película, la cual incluye un sitio llamado I Just Want to Be Perfect (señalado vía FirstShowing), el cual al escribir el nombre Rothbart – el villano de El Lago de los Cisnes – despliega un calendario con videos con música de fondo controlada por tus acciones. Al hacer clic en cada video, estos se van desbloqueando por cada día que pase antes del estreno de la película.
En Awards Daily apuntan al sitio oficial, el cual es entretenido de explorar pero no ofrece mucho mas que contarnos mas de la película. Pero lo que vale la pena señalar proviene de Badass Digest, en donde muestran el nuevo poster oficial de la película con una inquietante pluma cubriendo la axila de Portman… suponiendo que eso no vende muy bien que digamos. Mirando el reciente video de Kanye West (que también incluye bailarinas de ballets), se me antojo mas ver esta película, suponiendo que Aronofsky se adentrará más en la mente de estas doncellas cuyos pies clasifican en lo insólito de la naturaleza.
Natalie Portman goes sapphic with Mila Kunis in the upcoming "Black Swan."
Natalie Portman goes sapphic with Mila Kunis in the upcoming "Black Swan." Now she's getting her racy on in a different way.
For the past few weeks, Portman and college friend Laura Moses have been shopping to Hollywood studios a ribald comedy that they have written, said two studio executives who've read the script.
The project, called "BYO" (for Bring Your Own), concerns two very different twentysomething women who, after finding themselves unlucky in love, decide to throw a party to which each female attendee brings an eligible bachelor. The executives who've read the script describe it as a female-themed "Superbad."
Portman would star as one of the female leads and produce the movie, and the studio executives said they'd been told Anne Hathaway has expressed interest in the second lead role.
The project, which has been passed on by several Hollywood studios, could still get made via either a studio or, more likely, via independent financing. Representatives for Hathaway and Portman could not immediately be reached for comment.
Portman, who has never previously written a movie, graduated from more buttoned-down roles with her pole-dancing turn in 2004's "Closer." "Black Swan" sees her going back to that territory: In the film (which premiered in Los Angeles on Thursday night and opens Dec. 3), she plays a repressed ballerina who lets her hair down in a much-touted scene involving Ecstasy, a rave and sex with Kunis' character.
Now, apparently, she's adding a Judd Apatow notch to her belt, too.
viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010
jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010
WHO: Natalie Portman WHERE: The Black Swan

WORE: Rodarte's floral chiffon pleated dress with Swarovski crystals
WHERE: The Black Swan AFI Fest 2010 Closing Night Gala in Los Angeles
Talk about flower power! Natalie Portman was a floral vision at the AFI Fest Closing Night Gala on
Read More
miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010
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The trailer for Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher's newest film, No Strings Attached, has finally hit the internet.
From director Ivan Reitman, (My Super Ex-Girlfriend), the rom-com is all about two platonic friends (Portman and Kucther) who decide to take their friendship to the next level, but try to keep things casual at the same time.
"The Dark Knight Rises". The filmmaker is said lining up Rachel Weisz, Blake Lively, Natalie Portman
From these six actresses, Nolan will pick not one but two as he reportedly has two female lead roles. One is the love interest for Bruce Wayne, and the other is a villain. Details of the characters are kept under wraps and reps for Nolan and Warner Bros decline to comment on the casting process.
This latest "Dark Knight Rises" report from Deadline Hollywood came after Comic Book Movie reported previously that Nolan had met with Charlize Theron for one part, and Vera Farmiga and Kacie Thomas for another. Theron was believed to be offered to play a character named Sarah Essen, while Farmiga and Thomas could portray Julie Madison.
If Nolan is indeed looking for the depicter of his female villain, then Batman could face two enemies in "The Dark Knight Rises" since Tom Hardy has been previously rumored to be cast for a villainous role. Bruce Wayne aka Batman is likely to be portrayed again by Christian Bale.
The production for this follow-up to "The Dark Knight" is scheduled to start in April 2011 for a July 20, 2012 U.S. release. Jonathan Nolan and David S. Goyer are writing the script.
martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010
Natalie Portman wears a Proenza Schouler dress under a coat as she arrives at the Ed Sullivan Theater on Monday (November 22)

Natalie Portman wears a Proenza Schouler dress under a coat as she arrives at the Ed Sullivan Theater on Monday (November 22) to appear on an episode of The Late Show with David Letterman!
Once she went inside the building, the 29-year-old Black Swan actress changed into an outfit by Valentino for the show.
Last week, Nat stepped out for FINCA International’s 25th anniversary gala with Jake Gyllenhaal! Natalie is a huge supporter of the organization.
Jim Carrey’s and Natalie Portman’s turn to flip
There comes a time in many movie stars’ careers when they decide they want to take chances, and break the mold in which their image has been cast. Think of happy-go-lucky Tom Hanks playing a gay lawyer dying of AIDS in “Philadelphia,” or Oscar queen Meryl Streep bursting into song and dance in “Mamma Mia.”
On December 3rd, it’s Jim Carrey’s and Natalie Portman’s turn to flip the script on their personas. As a gay con artist named Steven Russell who will do anything to be near his cellmate and true love (played by Ewan McGregor) – even repeatedly breaking in and out of prison – in “I Love You Phillip Morris,” Carrey regains the wild, anything-goes zeal of his early movies while taking chances that more serious-minded actors wouldn’t even attempt. Case in point: the graphic sex scene in which Carrey announces to the viewer in jubilant voice-over narration, “I am gay, gay, gay, gay, gay!” (The only graphic scene in the movie, by the way).
On the other hand, Portman makes her bid to break out of the young-actress pack and reinvent herself as an acting powerhouse with her turn as an emotionally unbalanced ballerina who goes batshit-crazy under the pressure of a high-profile lead role in “Black Swan.” Whether cutting herself, trying to purge herself with bulimia, getting high as a kite on a laced drink or engaging in a tawdry girl-girl sex scene with costar Mila Kunis, Portman’s performance almost literally shrieks “Look at me, Oscar!” when she isn’t shrieking at her overbearing mother (Barbara Hershey) in the film’s many argument scenes.
To be sure, these are wildly ambitious films for their genres – and, in the case of “Black Swan,” it’s a genre-defying attempt at art altogether. With the almost-impossible true-life tale “Morris,” Carrey is able to show off his anarchic comic mastery in a series of hilarious con and fraud scenes as he shows how Russell got in over his head while trying to live a life of glamorous excess on a sheriff’s salary. He then goes even funnier in depicting the countless ways that Russell tried to trick his way into or out of the prison walls where his true love Morris (McGregor) was either being held or freshly released.
But it is in the film’s quieter moments, where he shows the pain of a man who only found true love after breaking out of a lifetime in the closet and a long-term attempt at hetero marriage or lays bare the longing he has for Morris, that Carrey integrates deeper emotions better than any of his prior attempts at dramas in films like “The Majestic” or even his acclaimed “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.”
It’s a shame that the masses won’t have much of a chance to see his terrific performance, however, as the major studios all ran in fear from releasing “Morris” despite rave reviews at Sundance, a fairly successful overseas box office run and the fact it was written and directed by the hot team of John Requa and Glenn Ficarra (“Bad Santa”). Instead, indie distributor Roadside Attractions has stepped in to give it a shot, and if you can handle the subject matter, “Morris” is well worth seeing. As Russell spirals into obsession with Morris, the film does show that a relationship rooted in the wrong things (Russell is always working a con) can never truly blossom in a healthy way. On the other hand, Russell’s initial deep feelings for Morris, and the sweet and simple love Morris shows for him in return gives a real humanity to both the men and their relationship.
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Natalie Portman wears a Proenza Schouler dress under a coat as she arrives at the Ed Sullivan Theater on Monday (November 22)

Natalie Portman wears a Proenza Schouler dress under a coat as she arrives at the Ed Sullivan Theater on Monday (November 22) to appear on an episode of The Late Show with David Letterman!
Once she went inside the building, the 29-year-old Black Swan actress changed into an outfit by Valentino for the show.
Last week, Nat stepped out for FINCA International’s 25th anniversary gala with Jake Gyllenhaal! Natalie is a huge supporter of the organization.
Ms Portman is currently promoting her latest flick “Black Swan,” which has been released at select film festivals in the US
Continuing along with promotional duties, Natalie Portman was spotted outside the Ed Sullivan Theater ahead of her appearance on “The Late Show with David Letterman” on Monday (November 22).
The “Garden State” gal looked lovely per the usual as she posed for pictures for her many fans
Ms Portman is currently promoting her latest flick “Black Swan,” which has been released at select film festivals in the US, but officially hits theaters on December 3rd.
The film is a thriller that zeroes in on the relationship between a veteran ballet dancer and a rival and aside from Natalie, features the beautiful Mila Kunis and Winona Ryder.
Enjoy the pictures of Natalie Portman making a visit to the "Late Show with David Letterman" (November 22).
Natalie Portman y sus piernas
Fox Searchlight has launched an extremely bizarre site for the film Black Swan (If you want to read more about the film, check out our review). The psychological thriller stars Natalie Portman as a veteran ballet dancer who’s competing with a rival ballerina for the same role in the new production of Swan Lake.
This is probably the oddest site for a film I’ve ever seen. There’s barely anything written at the site. It consists mainly of slo-mo “fragments” (short video snippets from the film). These fragment are mainly of Portman’s distressed face and a few close-ups of her feet and hands while eerie music plays in the background. The multiple fragment boxes of her face function as a calendar-like countdown to her opening night with a specific day on each box. If you hover the cursor over the fragments of her face, you’ll get a close-up image of black swan feathers. According to Fox Searchlight, the site gives you an “unsettling” look into the the psyche of Portman’s character Nina Sayers.
The site is appropriately named Ijustwanttobeperfect, as Portman’s character strives for perfection as a ballet dancer. It is set up so you can post individual fragments to your social networking site of choice. It even comes complete with a Twitter account and Facebook page for Natalie Portman’s character Nina Sayers – @TheSwanQueen.
While it’s pretty creative how they set the site up, it could use a bit more variety, perhaps fragments of some of the other characters in the film. Because as attractive as Portman is, staring at nearly identical fragments of her face can get a tad boring after awhile. They’ll probably change up the snippets though.
Black Swan is directed by Darren Aronofsky (The Wrestler and Requiem for a Dream) and co-stars Mila Kunis, Barbara Hershey, Winona Ryder and Vincent Cassel. The film is set to open in limited release on December 3, 2010.
lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010
Natalie Portman is calm

As described by the City, it is ‘an on-line forum for civic engagement . . . powered by Peak Democracy, a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government.’
That goal is admirable as are the selling points that Peak identifies on its website, namely that many in the community are too busy or too intimidated to address issues at public meetings and therefore have the convenience of providing input electronically.
While the first two statements have validity, there are already processes in place for the public to provide input via mail or electronic means on issues coming before both the Planning Commission and the City Council.
On the other hand, the advantages of Open City Hall include:
• A discussion format missing from the current input process that may encourage more ideas and potentially better solutions.
• Opportunities for broader participation, offering a different, less insulated perspective on many issues, particularly significant for Sugar House, with its large commercial and business areas, many customers of which live outside the area, but whose input is, nonetheless, important.
The bigger, remaining issue is ensuring that those impacted by the issues are aware of them and of the various means to address them. Some have consistently and persuasively argued that it is the responsibility of each individual to do this on his/her own, but on that basis many in the community remain unaware and uninformed, especially in Sugar House (see related article on Solei Cove). Better outreach is critical, regardless of the various opportunities available for input, including Open City Hall, which, by the way, is an additional cost for taxpayers. (see Peak Democracy website for details)
domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010
sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2010
Natalie Portman danced and sang — albeit a bit awkwardly — for a cause she believes in.

A young Natalie Portman danced and sang — albeit a bit awkwardly — for a cause she believes in.
When Natalie Portman presented at the Environmental Media Awards over the weekend, she smiled through an embarrassing relic of her past: a pro-recycling music video she made when she was 11 years old.
The 29-year-old actress, who grew up on Long Island, was part of a eco-conscious children's song-and-dance troupe called World Patrol Kids. In the video, the group performs a song called "Recycle It!" against a backdrop of cheesy early '90s imagery such as the planet earth and a mountain of garbage on a landfill. Portman - one of three backup dancers, gets a closeup a little after the 1-minute mark; the rest of the time, she dances in awkward sync with two other young girls, doing sidesteps and disco hand revolutions to a funky beat.
Portman, star of the upcoming ballerina thriller Black Swan, has long been active in environmental causes - and this video provides solid evidence that her activism goes as far back to middle school. She's also a vegan and launched a collection of vegan shoes in 2007.
Natalie Portman’s fingerprints are on “The Social Network.”
Turns out Aaron Sorkin, when he was writing the script about the roots of Facebook, consulted Portman as her time at Harvard coincided with the site’s founder Mark Zuckerberg. In the film, there’s even a passing reference to a “celebrity” as a member of the then Harvard-based Facebook website.
Portman was studying psychology at Harvard between 1999 and 2003.
While speaking recently about “The Social Network” at Harvard, Sorkin exclaimed, “Natalie Portman got in touch with me when she heard that I was doing this to say, ‘Listen… come over for dinner and I’ll tell you some stories’
“I would’ve come over for dinner under any circumstances. But that was really helpful.”
Natalie Portman is on fire this award season for her portrayal of a disillusioned ballet dancer in “Black Swan.” The film bows on December 4.
“The Social Network” opens today.
Entertainment Weekly had the news.
Photo Credit: PR Photos
Natalie Portman: Une comédie romantique est le choix de l'actrice fera ses débuts en tant que scénariste.
L'actrice a pris cette nouvelle étape dans sa carrière avec son ami et ancien collège amie Laura Moïse, qui a écrit le scénario, une comédie romantique dans laquelle deux trentaine changer leur chance en amour après une partie à la que les femmes doivent aller à un célibataire?
L'intrigue, toujours sous la correction et l'approbation, mettra en scène l'actrice israélo-américaine elle-même ainsi que Anne Hathaway, qui joue probablement un ami de caractère Portman. muse de Dior est aussi le producteur du film, une transcription du titre avec succès des femmes de l'usine Apatow.
Outre les nouvelles au sujet de son nouveau visage comme un écrivain, le nom de l'actrice est sur les lèvres de beaucoup comme un favori pour remporter un Oscar pour sa performance dans «Black Swan». Et il apparaît aussi dans toutes les piscines de gagner un rôle dans la troisième tranche de Batman, The Dark Knight se lève. "
Le réalisateur du film, Christopher Nolan, le débat entre les quatre candidats pour mettre le nouvel amour Dark Knight et le méchant de l'histoire: Portman compétition pour une place dans le casting Anne Hathaway ("Le Diable s'habille en Prada" ), Rachel Weisz ("Agora"), Keira Knightley ("Orgueil et préjugés") et Naomi Watts («La chasse un espion»).
viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010
Natalie Portan in purple elegant in Los Ángeles los Governors Awards
Natalie Portman y Hilary Swank, impresionantes en los Governors
Este fin de semana se han celebrado en Los Ángeles los Governors Awards (últimamente estamos viendo a las celebrities de fiesta en fiesta), un evento al que acudieron Natalie Portan y Hilary Swank, entre otras. Pero la verdad es que ellas fueron dos de las más elegantes.
Natalie Portan eligió un vestido de Lanvin en un color morado precioso, que le favorecía mucho. Con un detalle de una flor en un hombro y una abertura en la falda, estaba espectacular.
Por cierto, genial las sandalias con un poco de plataforma y casi en el mismo tono del vestido.