sábado, 31 de julio de 2010
viernes, 30 de julio de 2010
jueves, 29 de julio de 2010
miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010
Natalie Portman in a big budget action movie again, but leave it to the Norse mythology-infused Marvel property Thor

Warrior Women
After the Star Wars prequels, I was worried that we may never see the talented and adorable Natalie Portman in a big budget action movie again, but leave it to the Norse mythology-infused Marvel property Thor to bring the Harvard grad out of the indie world.
Portman teamed up with rising star Kat Dennings to bring scientist Jane Foster and her sidekick Darcy to life, and we had chance to sit down with the two to get their impressions on the flick.
Sofia Coppola Shoots New Dior Ad With Natalie Portman
Sofia Coppola's fashion credentials include a Japanese line called Milk Fed, campaign appearances for Marc Jacobs and Louis Vuitton (she even designed a shoe and bag collection for the latter last year) and a quintessentially French television commercial for Dior's Miss Dior Cherie fragrance line.
As a style icon in her own right she's almost as entrenched in the fashion world as she is in film and if recent murmurings are to be believed, Coppola will reprise her role as director for the latest round of Dior fragrance ads. The rumours came last week after newly announced Dior Parfums ambassador Natalie Portman was spotted filming in Paris with Robert Schwartzman, Sofia's cousin and brother to Jason Schwartzman who, as you might recall, starred with Portman in the Darjeeling Limited prequel Hotel Chevalier. Brothers joke?
Sofia meanwhile, was shooting on location in Paris the same week. Coincidence? I think not. Below are some images of Portman and Coppola in Paris as well as the latter's whimsical Miss Dior commercial from a year and a half ago...
Sofia Coppola’s sweet-stroll-around-Paris ad campaign for Dior’s Miss Dior Cherie perfume stole our hearts a year and a half ago and it looks like the same might happen all over again! Last month’s announcement that Natalie Portman will be the new face for Parfums Christian Dior was exciting but not exactly a huge surprise – after all, we expected a luxury house to snap up the fresh-faced star sometime soon!
Via Grazia
Natalie Portman, como protagonista femenina de Thor, no podía faltar al evento. Y así fue. Acudió hasta San Diego con para presentar el filme dirigido
El rodaje de Thor dio comienzo a principios de año. Concretamente la segunda semana del mes de enero. Y guardando un gran secretismo en todo su proceso. Tanto que hasta hace unas semanas no trascendió la primera imagen oficial de la película.
Natalie Portman debuta en el género de los superhéroes con Thor. Y según sus propias declaraciones, fue una gran experiencia para ella.
Thor se estrenará en cines el próximo 6 de mayo de 2011. Por supuesto, con su versión en 3D.
martes, 27 de julio de 2010
Natalie Portman se ha metido en la piel de una bailarina para protagonizar la película ‘Black Swan’ (Cisne negro)
La actriz protagoniza un thriller psicológico centrado en la gran rivalidad existente en una compañía de ballet
Natalie Portman se ha metido en la piel de una bailarina para protagonizar la película ‘Black Swan’ (Cisne negro). La primera imagen de la actriz caracterizada para el papel ya ha salido a la luz y en ella se puede ver a la joven cubierta con un sorprendente maquillaje.
Natalie Portman interpreta a Nina, primera bailarina de una de las compañías de ballet más reconocidas de Nueva York. El filme, dirigido por el neoyorquino Darren Aronofsky, es un thriller psicológico centrado en la rivalidad entre dos bailarinas, interpretadas por Natalie Portman y Mila Kunis.
Junto a las actrices principales están Vincent Cassel, Barbara Hershey y Winona Ryder. La película abrirá la 67 edición del Festival Internacional de Cine de Venecia, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 11 de septiembre. "Estamos entusiasmados por hacer el estreno mundial del filme ante el maravilloso público de Venecia", confiesa el director.
Natalie Portman ha mostrado un gran entusiasmo con el papel: "Es un personaje que ha sido muy interesante de interpretar, siempre desafiante y sorprendente. Tomé clases de ballet hasta que cumplí 13 años. Siempre había deseado hacer una película de baile, es la forma de expresión más emocional".
Natalie Portman 29 years old
lunes, 26 de julio de 2010
Natalie Portman, que luciendo un precioso diseño en color rosa se convirtió indiscutiblemente en la más glamourosa del evento

domingo, 25 de julio de 2010
Natalie Portman has a call to action up today on the official website of FINCA, her charity initiative.

Natalie Portman has a call to action up today on the official website of FINCA, her charity initiative.
The 28-year-old actress has served as the Ambassador of Hope for the organization since 2004. Here’s what Nat had to share:
“The earthquakes that devastated Haiti this week only further the urgency of aid needed by this already-challenged nation. Haiti is a place where small loans can make a big difference.
“FINCA Haiti has always held a special place in my heart. Small loans make an enormous impact on the lives of Haitian women currently living on less than $3 a day. And now, more than ever, Haitian women need these capital inputs to help themselves recover from this tragedy in a sustainable way.
“As FINCA’s Ambassador of Hope, I am asking for your help. Please help FINCA Haiti provide the resources to our Village Banking clients so they can begin to get back on their feet and build anew. There has rarely been a more urgent need for generosity.
sábado, 24 de julio de 2010
Natalie Portman has confessed in an interview that her career leaves very little time for love
Natalie Portman has confessed in an interview that her career leaves very little time for love: “Relationships are impossible and it is definitely something I’m trying to figure out.”
Speaking with Stylist magazine, the V for Vendetta star said she finds it difficult to live up to her glamorous reputation: “I know my job has a lot to do with how I look"
She added that most actresses crave to slob out: "Every actress I know is the messiest, grubbiest person
“It can make you feel very ugly at home, too, when you are always all made up then you wake up in the morning and your hair is disgusting and your face is disgusting”
She also claimed she is “careful” that none of the work she does could be interpreted the wrong way.http://nataliaportman.blogspot.com/
On the subject of landing any nude roles, she said: “I don’t like it when you’re doing something as art and then it gets exploited on a porn website.”
The 28-year-old is also disapproving of carnivores: “Three times a day [I] make a decision not to eat things that have been killed. I have been vegetarian for 20 years but I recently became vegan.”
viernes, 23 de julio de 2010
Portman "Las actrices que conozco son las personas más desastrosas y desaseadas que pueda haber" ha declarado sin concretar nombres para tranquilidad
Portman, eso sí, es consciente de que estar perfecta todo el tiempo es algo imposible y, de hecho, asegura que es algo que sucede a todas sus compañeras de profesión. "Las actrices que conozco son las personas más desastrosas y desaseadas que pueda haber" ha declarado sin concretar nombres para tranquilidad de Hollywood.
Pero la imponente stripper de Closer, que en sus 28 años de vida no solo se ha dedicado a exhibir su belleza en la gran pantalla y posee un graduado en Psicología por la Universidad de Harvard, no encuentra consuelo en el mal de muchos. Así que no acaba de acostumbrarse al momento de mirarse por primera vez al espejo cada mañana. "Si siempre estás arreglada y de repente te levantas por la mañana y tienes un pelo y una cara asquerosos, te puedes sentir fea".
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jueves, 22 de julio de 2010
Parece que el jabón les hace daño. En casa, desde luego. Natalie Portman acaba de reconocer que en casa, se asea poco.
Parece que el jabón les hace daño. En casa, desde luego. Natalie Portman acaba de reconocer que en casa, se asea poco. Y añade: "Las actrices que conozco son las personas más desastrosas y desaseadas que pueda haber".
Desde luego con estas palabras la actriz tira por tierra todo el glamour que muchas de ellas gastan en pases pespeciles, premieres, alfombras de todos los colores, sesiones de fotografía, etc.
Si bien es cierto que es la primera actriz que reconoce su poco aseso personal, ya son muchas las leyendas que hablan del poco gusto por la ducha de algunas actrices. Y otras, sólo al verlas paseando por la calle, tienen pinta de lavarse bien poco.
miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010
martes, 20 de julio de 2010
Natalie Portman's sex scene 'extreme' Natalie Portman aches for motherhood Mila Kunis on Natalie Portman kiss
The Brothers actress is said to be smitten with Benjamin Millepied - who is a member of the New York City Ballet - after meeting him last year when he choreographed her new movie Black Swan.
A source told the New York Post newspaper: "They've been dating since the fall, although she told friends that she hasn't gone public with it because she was waiting to see if things got serious."
Although she is said to be dating a ballerina, it seems his skills haven't rubbed off on Natalie.
She recently revealed she was a terrible dancer and was finding her role in Black Swan challenging because she hasn't retained the skills she learned as a child.
She said: "I'm in full ballet mode right now playing a ballerina in Black Swan. I danced until I was like 13, but I definitely remember being better than I am. I was like, 'Wow, I was pretty good as a kid.'
"Then I went into ballet class, and I was like, 'I'm not good at all. I really suck.' So it's been challenging."