lunes, 21 de abril de 2008

Mt. Mercy Lockdown by VampiricSyn

This was really just thrown together, so it's not my best, was a quick trailer for a forum story line my friends and I play, centered around a hospital lockdown and zombies.

Click here to watch the video

Main Characters:
listed in order as shown
Carl Frost [Bravo Team Leader] - Karl Urban
Justine Garrison [Agent of the National Paranormal Investigations] - Angelina Jolie
Sydney Mayers [Forensics Specialist] - Jennifer Garner
Chris Marsale [Part of Bravo Team] - Oded Fehr
Catalina Torres [Part of Bravo Team] - Michelle Rodriguez
Jane Doe [Unknown Psych Ward patient] - Natalie Portman
Grey Albrecht [Special Agent] - Thomas Jane

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