jueves, 11 de marzo de 2010

Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud Incredibly Close, which apparently has turned Natalie Portman into a vegan activist.

The thought of never again eating of my mother’s famous slow-cooked crock-pot BBQ pork again, or feasting upon tender chicken smothered in curry makes me shudder in horror. This is why I am nervous to read ‘Eating Animals,’ the new book by Jonothan Safran Foer, author of Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, which apparently has turned Natalie Portman into a vegan activist.

Foer is my favorite author of all time. I worship him and everything he has ever done. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, mind-bogglingly amazing, changed my life after I read it, shifting how I looked at literature and what books were capable of.

Thus, I am obligated to read his freaking vegetarian manifesto thing, even if I love love love meat x100. Actually, x.


The work is an investigation into, well, eating animals. According to the New Yorker, Foer has been an on again/off again vegetarian since he was 9 when he first realized that chicken is in fact chicken and not some magical delicious substance that appears at dinner time. Despite many relapses, after marrying his wife (fellow novelist Nicole Krauss) who also had been trying to be a veg half-successfully for most of her life, they both vowed to do better. He wrote this book after having his first child, feeling compelled to articulate why he chooses to abstain from meatly delights.

Did I mention Natalie Portman liked it? She wrote a whole article for The Huffington Post outlining how much she liked it, especially the chapter on ‘animal shit’ which she emphasizes quite a bit.

Even if it doesn’t turn me into a vegetarian, I can’t pass up reading about animal poop.


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