The new mother ventured out today in workout gear, covering up in a warm coat, and returned to her New York apartment looking like she'd just been through an intense workout. http://nataliaportman.blogspot.com/
Working up a sweat: New mother Natalie Portman covers up her workout gear in New York
The 30-year-old was glowing and red-faced as she made her way home.
Portman has kept a low profile since the birth of son Aleph in June, and was only pictured out and about for the first time this month.
And it seems that Natalie is enjoying her time off from work.
Entertainment Weekly reports that Portman has turned down a role in the indie film Adaline, which was expected to be her first job after returning from maternity leave.
The film, which was also offered to Katherine Heigl, is about a woman who mysteriously stops ageing after an accident.
Active: The 30-year-old looked puffed out as she returned to her New York home after a workout
But a spokesperson for the actress has confirmed she won't be taking on the role after all.
Portman has remained in the spotlight despite not working, with films Thor and Your Highness being released in the last few months.
The Black Swan star, who is engaged to Aleph's father Benjamin Millepied, discussed looking forward to becoming a mother in an interview earlier this year.
She said: 'With my child, I think I will just thank them. It's sort of been a protection.
New father: Portman's fiancé Benjamin Millepied was pictured running errands last week near the couple's home
'It feels like a protection against all the hoopla and the part that keeps you centred where your meaning is and what is actually important in the midst of shiny stuff that's superficial.'
Natalie added: 'I'm sure I'll make lots of mistakes, but I'm open to learning.'
Natalie and her future husband Benjamin met on the set of the film Black Swan, on which Benjamin was the lead choreographer and Natalie's dance partner.
When she accepted her Best Actress Oscar earlier this year, she paid tribute to her French husband-to-be, saying: 'My beautiful love, Benjamin, who has now given me my most important role of my life.'
Aunque la actriz se ha mantenido “bajo perfil” después de haber dado a luz a su hijo el pasado 14 de julio, se le vio paseando a su perro en una tarde relajada. Portman, quien tiene una figura atlética, usaba ropa ancha para la medida de su cuerpo al momento de ser capturada la foto pero igualmente sabemos que debajo de esa camisa y pantalón sigue la hermosa figura de la espectacular actriz. http://nataliaportman.blogspot.com/
Después de conseguir el Oscar a la mejor actriz por Cisne negro, Natalie Portman ha sido elegida como una de las 27 mujeres más sexis del planeta, según la revista Playboy. Portman, en estado de gestación, ha logrado colarse este año en un ránking que sigue capitaneado por Angelina Jolie, Halle Berry y Scarlett Johansson.
'No Strings Attached' film premiere at the Regency Village Theatre in Westwood, California. - Russ Einhorn / Splash News
Haz clic en la cara de las personas que salen en la foto para etiquetarlas. Se le pedirá a Mélanie que apruebe todas las etiquetas antes de que los demás puedan verlas. |
Haz clic en la cara de las personas que salen en la foto para etiquetarlas. Se le pedirá a Mélanie que apruebe todas las etiquetas antes de que los demás puedan verlas. |
Haz clic en la cara de las personas que salen en la foto para etiquetarlas. Se le pedirá a Mélanie que apruebe todas las etiquetas antes de que los demás puedan verlas. |
Haz clic en la cara de las personas que salen en la foto para etiquetarlas. Se le pedirá a Mélanie que apruebe todas las etiquetas antes de que los demás puedan verlas. |
A pesar del éxito y los premios recibidos algo le quita el sueño a Natalie Portman. Y es que la actriz, recientemente galardonada con el Globo de Oro por su interpretación en 'Cisne Negro', confiesa estar preocupada porque los espectadores puedan aburrirse de ver su cara en la gran pantalla a todas horas. http://nataliaportman.blogspot.com/
"Últimamente he actuado en 'Your Highness', 'Cisne Negro', 'Thor' y 'Amigos con Derechos'. Para mi ha sido muy interesante pero me siento un poco mal aburriendo a la gente. Los espectadores tienen que estar cansados de ver mi cara todo el rato", ha recogido 'Digital Spy' .
Pero todo tiene una explicación y la de porqué Portman no se cansa de actuar es su creencia personal de que el mundo va a acabarse en 2012. "Todos hemos oído las predicciones del calendario maya, que el Apocalipsis se aproxima. Tengo que adelantarme a todo eso", ha bromeado durante la entrevista.
Volviendo a ponerse seria, Portman, que pronto será mamá, asegura sentirse muy afortunada de haber tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en tantos largometrajes y, sobre todo, de haber dado vida a una gama tan amplia de personajes. "Siento que he aprendido mucho haciendo todas estas películas diferentes".
En este sentido, ha explicado que saltar de una historia a otra le ha permitido complementar su trabajo en unas y otras y, así, hacerlo mejor. "Trabajar en tantos proyectos al tiempo me ha ayudado a llevar un poco de la disciplina del drama a 'Thor' y a echarle un poco de humor e improvisación propios de la comedia romántica a 'Cisne Negro'".
A la espera de que se hagan públicas la lista de nominados de los Oscar Portman no deja de recoger su particular cosecha de premios. De momento ya se ha llevado a casa el de la crítica y el Globo de Oro a mejor actriz por su interpretación en 'Cisne Negro'. Veremos si además consigue llevarse la dorada estatuilla.Sources say the actress’ relationship with her Israeli doctor father Avner Hershlag has turned “very frosty” following the scenes in psychological thriller Black Swan in which she plays a lesbian ballerina. http://nataliaportman.blogspot.com/
Natalie, 29, has previously turned down roles, including Lolita, which she considered too explicit, but she was determined to take on the role of troubled prima ballerina Nina in Black Swan.
“Natalie is a very private and dignified person and is often influenced by her father’s approval,” a source said.
“This, however, was one role she simply didn’t want to turn down even though she knew it would upset her father.
“He still sees her as his baby and always will and thinks showing herself like this is degrading.
“Things are very frosty between them right now.”
Portman recently revealed she’s careful about what she does onsceen because she doesn’t want her scenes to be taken out of context and used as porn!
“I’m definitely not a prude about sex or nudity, I just don’t want do something that will end up in a screen grab on a porn site,” she said.
Oscar-winning actress Natalie Portman feels like ''a clown'' in bold lipstick although she is slowly agreeing to make-up artists' requests for her to wear a more dramatic colour on her mouth.
Natalie Portman feels like "a clown" in bold lipstick.
The 'Black Swan' actress - who is pregnant with her first child - is slowly agreeing to make-up artists' requests for her to wear a more dramatic colour on her mouth, but still doesn't feel entirely comfortable.
She said: "I feel like a clown if I put on strong lipstick, but recently I've experimented with reds. Make-up artists have been urging me to try stronger lips, but it still doesn't feel like me. I'm working on it."
The brunette beauty also relies on help doing her hair as she claims she doesn't know how to stop it looking like a "triangle".
She said: "When you see me, a professional has done my hair - I don't know how to. As a family, we have very curly 'Jewish' hair, when it's long, it comes out in a triangle."
Natalie also revealed she developed an interest in perfume from her mother and believes it is important to include scent when "dressing up".
The Oscar-winning beauty added to Britain's InStyle magazine: "My mum taught me to spray fragrance and walk into it. She has a sensitive sense of smell, so I've grown up with a great awareness.
"A scent that sets you apart makes you feel glamorous and elegant and gives you a different way of walking into a room - it's part of dressing up."